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Pianist Jung-Won Shin has appeared as an active solo and collaborative pianist with a large range of repertoire for solo, vocal, and chamber music at recitals and concerts in the U.S., Canada, Ireland, Austria, and Korea. She has won prizes and has been selected as a finalist at several solo, chamber music, and concerto competitions, such as the Bradshaw & Buono International Piano Competition, the Annual Kankakee International Piano Concerto Competition, and the Korean Festival Ensemble Chamber Music Competitions. 

Shin has been featured in international and regional conferences of the College Music Society, the New Music on the Bayou Festival in Monroe and Ruston, Louisiana, the Music by Women Festival in Columbus, Mississippi, the Music in Action Conference in Los Angeles, museLIVE online live recitals, the Lives of the Piano concert series at the Manhattan School of Music and the Beethoven Sonata Recital Series at the Yamaha Artist Services in New York, the Beethoven Bootcamp in Dublin, Ireland, the Summer Concert Series at Buam Art Hall and the Geumjeong Cultural Center in Korea, Rising Stars Concerts at the Orford Summer Music Academy and Festival, and guest recitals and master classes at several universities in the U. S. and Korea. Last summer, she served as Repetitor at the American Institute of Musical Studies (AIMS) in Graz, Austria. Her collaborative CDs, Chansons de la Nuit (Centaur Records) with soprano Amy Yeung and Franck and Fauré Sonatas with violinist Sue-Jean Park have been released. Her current and recent projects include a series of recitals on Beethoven’s piano sonatas and concertos, annual collaborative recitals with violinist Anne-Gaëlle Ravetto and trombonist Douglas Mark, recitals on solo piano works written by living American and Korean composers, a series of recitals and performances on piano duo and duet works by contemporary Korean and Japanese composers in collaboration with Kumiko Shimizu, piano trio recitals with violinist Yunjung Lee and cellist Dong Yeol Hong, a daily piano exercise book for piano students, and an anthology of Korean art songs in collaboration with soprano Teri Herron.
Shin's students have earned honors from numerous piano competitions including the state and division rounds of the Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Competitions, the solo and concerto competitions and Pre-College Finals of the Mississippi Music Teachers Association (MMTA), and the Young Artist Division of the Beethoven Club Competitions. She has adjudicated several local, state, regional, and international solo, concerto, and chamber music competitions. As an active member of the MTNA and the MMTA, she has served as President, President-Elect, Vice President for Pre-College Performances, Vice President for Pre-College Evaluations, and Chamber Music Chair at the MMTA. She is a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM) in piano.

Recently Shin has initiated and organized academic and cultural exchange programs between DSU and Sungkyul University and Art & Culture Management CloudPoseidon's musicians of traditional Korean instruments in both the U. S. and Korea. She has co-hosted The Art of the Piano, an annual piano festival, both virtual and in-person at Delta State University (DSU) in Cleveland, Mississippi, since 2010. She has initiated and co-organized a summer seminar program for teachers, The Art of the Piano FOR TEACHERS on the DSU campus. She has been on the guest faculty of the Summer Piano Camp and the Keyboard Festival of Sungkyul University. As a clinician, she has presented master classes and workshops at several universities, high schools, and music festivals in Korea and the U.S.

Shin has earned degrees in piano performance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (D.M.A.), Indiana University (M.M.), and Seoul National University (B.M.), studying piano with Ian Hobson, Jeremy Denk, Hyung-Joon Chang, Unkyoung Kang, Hyeyoung Suh, and Eunsook Seo, and collaborative piano and chamber music with Leonard Hokanson, Mauricio Fuks, Ik-Hwan Bae, Eunhee Park, and Suren Bagratuni. She has also participated in master classes with José Feghali, Stanislav Ioudenitch, Anton Kuerti, Kum-Sing Lee, John O'Conor, and Tamás Ungár.


Shin, the recipient of the 2023 S. E. Kossman Outstanding Teacher Award of Delta State University, is currently Professor of Music and Coordinator of the Piano Preparatory Program at the university, and the Immediate Past President of the MMTA.


피아니스트 신정원

  • 부산예술고등학교 졸업

  • 서울대학교 음악대학 졸업 (B.M.)

  • 미국 인디애나대학교 석사 졸업 (M.M.)

  • 미국 일리노이대학교 박사 졸업 (D.M.A.)

  • 미국 델타주립대학교 2023 S. E. Kossman Outstanding Teacher Award 수상

  • College Music Society 국제 음악 학회, 남부지역 학회 다수 발표 및 연주

  • New Music on the Bayou Festival 현대음악 (독주 및 실내악 연주)

  • The Music by Women Festival 여성작곡가 작품 다수 연주

  • 미국 뉴욕 Manhattan School of Music 의 The Lives of the Piano 콘서트 다수 연주

  • 캐나다 오포드 음악 아카데미 & 페스티발 참가 및 연주

  • 아일랜드 더블린  Beethoven Bootcamp 참가 및 연주

  • 베토벤 소나타 및 협주곡 연주회 시리즈

  • 시미주-신 피아노 듀오 정기 연주회 (한국과 일본 피아노 듀오 및 듀엣 작품)

  • 바이올린-피아노 듀오, 트롬본-피아노 듀오 정기 연주회

  • 피아노 트리오 (바이올린 이윤정, 첼로 홍동열) 연주회 다수 

  • 미국 여러 주에서 다수의 독주회, 듀오 및 실내악 연주회

  • 소프라노 에이미 영 (Amy Yeung), 바이올리니스트 박수진과 각각 음반 출간

  • 미국과 한국의 여러 음악대학 및 예술고등학교에서 마스터클래스 및 연주

  • 미국 내 다수의 콩쿨 심사위원 역임

  • 브래드쇼부오노국제 피아노콩쿨 듀엣부문 입상 및 한국 페스티발 앙상블 실내악 콩쿨 입상 

  • 한국 성결대학교 여름 피아노 캠프 및 키보드 페스티발 교수진 역임

  • 성결대학교, 공연 기획 클라우드포세이돈과 학술 및 문화 교류 추진
  • 미국 레인칼리지 조교수 역임

  • 미시시피음악교사협회 (MMTA) 협회장, 차기협회장, 부회장, 실내악 분과장 역임(President, President-Elect, Vice President for Pre-College Performance, Vice President for Pre-College Evaluations, and Chair of Chamber Music)

  • 델타주립대학교 피아노 페스티발 The Art of the Piano 조직 및 공동 개최

  • 피아노 선생님과 대학생들을 위한 여름 세미나 The Art of the Piano FOR TEACHERS 론칭 및 공동 개최

  • 오스트리아 그라츠 American Institute of Musical Studies (AIMS) Repetitor

  • ​현 Music Teachers National Association 및 College Music Society 회원

  • 현 Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM) in piano

  • 현 미국 델타주립대학교 피아노과 교수 (Professor of Music) 및 미시시피음악교사협회 (MMTA) 전 회장 (Immediate Past President)

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